Government Agragami Girls' High School and College is not only one of the best schools of Bangladesh but also a huge booklet for creating a student with a strong intellectual, mind and philosophy in the long tradition. In 1903, its march began as a primary school. After this, the government-run Advanced Girl Girls' High School and College were turned into ladders.At that time women were educated, behind the scenes, in the house, since then, this Vidyapith has illuminated the education of women through thousands of women students of this region. At present, this school is playing a breakthrough in the field of education. It is not only the goal of the school passed by writing and reading but it is one of the goals of creating a civilized, morally, responsible and self respecting citizen.The organization has a strong focus on the development of human, social and moral values of the students. It is not just writing and teaching that students can develop their latent talent properly, but there is also a chance to have syllabary functions.
In order to enable the learners to discover their talented talent, different cultural competitions, including regular lectures, recitations, debates, dances, paintings, music, illustrations, maths, quiz competitions, science mela were organized in the school. Students have the opportunity to participate regularly in various activities of physical, mental, soccer, handball, batminton and girl guides.
This traditional school of literature, science and sports is one of the finest pastoral grounds. The school has a highly educated and trained teacher church who is determined to develop students properly with their skills and talents. Multimedia and information technology have the opportunity till this educational institution. I am hopeful that this school will play a significant role in creating talent and thinking and enlightened people of the region in the future by maintaining the continuity of its heritage.
All of us have pledged to be free from drug-free, anti-militancy, religious minority, non-communal society. Students become the ideal citizens to rise in the value of the rise here. The students have been able to build a better, civilized and modern country here. It is our hope that they can learn discipline, tolerance, sympathy and ideal values, and acquire the ability to apply it in real life.Government Agragami Girls' High School and College have been holding for more than a century to expand women education in the region. This institution is not only the students but the glory of the whole nation of Sylhet. With the good will, sincerity and overall co-operation of all, its richness is rich from prosperity, that is our wish.